
In our offer we also offer the exceptional transport of large objects, such as tanks, benders, heating systems and air conditioners. Through our special boats and thanks to our quay served by specialized cranes for large loads, we are able to easily handle and transport any type of exceptional load.

For Officina Metallurgica Oafi Di Angelin Graziano we proceeded to transport a folder with a cutter. An object this with particular dimensions that we have collected in the company thanks to our special boats, and transported in maximum safety.

The company that has been operating in Venice for many years, has decided to discontinue the equipment and to rely completely on the waterway for the entire operation. After outlining the strategy to be implemented together with the company, we proceeded with a vision of the equipment on site and its packaging with ad hoc harnesses.

Once the folder was harnessed, our staff proceeded to get it out of the company premises in maximum safety and speed, without any problem. It then proceeded to pick up and place this particular machine through the mechanical arm of the crane placed on our special boat.

The exceptional transport of large-sized equipment is a service that we offer to our customers also thanks to the specialized equipment that we have created and perfected over time.
Over time we have developed new skills and new technologies capable of responding to new market demands. Research and development are very important for Scalo Fluviale which draws its future also on the basis of these two fundamental aspects.

The offer that we offer to our customers is always up-to-date and up-to-date, and satisfies all the needs that arise, even during the course of activities.

Get to know this and all the other services offered by Scalo Fluviale in detail.
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